Animal Health and Livestock Development (DAHLD)
DAHLD has three technical sections; Animal Production, Field Services and Diagnostic Research and Investigation. The Department also runs a referral central veterinary laboratory and two regional laboratories which conduct research, investigate and diagnoses animal diseases. It also operates Livestock farms/multiplication centers which keep improved animal genetic materials and act as training units for staff and farmers on good animal husbandry practices.
Major Programmes
The main livestock programmes being implemented by the department include:
Broadening of livestock ownership through livestock pass-on initiatives
Dairy Development programme through: Provision of Artificial Insemination services, Promotion of milk bulking groups, and cooperatives and Value addition,
Veterinary Science Training
Smallholder Poultry Improvement programme through production and distribution of Six Week Black Austrolop;
Recapitalization of government farms
Animal Health and Disease Control through: Tick and Tick-borne disease control measures, Production of I-2 Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Foot and Mouth Disease control, Surveillance of other notifiable animal diseases and Rabies Control
Our Main Functions
Accreditation of veterinary personnel; creation of an enabling environment for the private sector; formulation of livestock development policy; livestock movement control; provision of quarantine services. Import/export certification; veterinary medicinal products registration and quality control of remedies and vaccines; promotion of animal welfare; reviewing and updating veterinary legislation; compliance monitoring.
provision of meat inspection (oversight of food of animal origin safety); quality assurance of milk and milk products; safe disposal of veterinary medical products and livestock feeds; quality control of foods of animal origin and livestock feeds; inspection and accreditation of hatcheries, livestock farms, dairy and meat processing plants for certain standards such as Tuberculosis (TB) and brucellosis free status; investigations of feed additives and unregistered growth promoters used in animal production and emergence of resistance to drugs and acaricides.
Prevention and control of notifiable animal diseases; disease control and prevention; animal treatments; animal immunization and vaccination disease surveillance, planning for disease emergencies and reporting to international bodies and neighboring countries; monitoring and support of other partners in the animal health care system;
investigation of disease out-breaks in support of field services; provision of a routine diagnostic service to monitor the animal health status of the country; conducting demand – driven research in animal production and health.
The department has 7 government farms which act as source of animal genetic materials. The farms also act as demonstration centres. One of the farms, Mikolongwe, houses the national artificial insemination centre.
provision of livestock extension in animal husbandry in order to improve production of beef, dairy, poultry, small ruminants and pigs; strengthening of farmer livestock groups; facilitation of private sector participation in animal husbandry and delivery of veterinary services; training of farmers and field staff in animal husbandry and health techniques e.g. a.i basic animal health interventions etc.