Land Resource Conservation

The Department is responsible for promotion of programmes that ensure proper management of land based natural resources for improved agricultural production and other uses in order to avoid sectoral land use conflicts and ensure sustainable socio-economic growth and development

Guiding Policy Frameworks

The department is guided by the following policies, strategies and technical guidelines for effective implementation of land resources programmes: • National Land Resource Management Policy and Strategy (2000) (due for review)


Land Resources Conservation Strategic Plan


Rainwater Harvesting Manual


National Catchment Guidelines


Conservation Agriculture Guidelines


Land Resource Evaluation Reports


Climate Smart Agriculture Framework


Land Cover Atlas


Climate Smart Agriculture Training Manuals for Supervisors and Frontline Staff

Department of Land Resource Conservation Structure and organization

Card 1
Land Management Training Unit-

This unit is responsible for providing policy guidelines for land management training programmes, reviewing and developing systematic human resources development programmes. The unit collaborates with internal and external training institutions involved in land management in building capacities at different levels

Card 2
Land Resource Surveys and Evaluation Unit-

Responsible for generating, analyzing, updating, publicizing and disseminating land resources information at national and district levels for production of sustainable land use plans and targeting of interventions

Card 3
Environmental Conservation and Education Unit-

The Environmental Conservation and Education Unit is responsible for development and promotion of technologies in environmental and land conservation and education and sensitization of farming communities and the general public on environmental issues

Strategic Objectives

  • Improve the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of land resources conservation programmes;
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Land Resources Conservation staff and partners in management and implementation of programmes;
  • Improve the knowledge, skills, and attitude and abilities of staff and land users in sustainable land management;
  • Provide clear direction to staff and other stakeholders in land resources management.
  • Provide Malawi’s priority areas for land management in the context of the NAP;
  • Contribute to sustainable and resilient agriculture sector for the economic growth of the country

Current Programmes

In order to fulfill its mandate, the Department has several field programmes in the following broad areas, Soil and Water Conservation, Rain Water Harvesting, Conservation Agriculture, Agroforestry and Soil Fertility Enhancement, and Land Resources Surveys and Evaluation.

Our Priority Areas

Latest articles

Anchor/Megafarm Programme Contacts.

Postal Address

Ministry of Agriculture, P.O Box 30134, Capital city, Lilongwe 3



+265 889 558 933

Physical Address

Megafarm Building In Kanengo - along Area 25 road, behind kanengo puma filling station